
Let it snow with Google Google / 新花招 輸入「 let it snow」 網頁下雪啦!

Dreaming of a white Christmas? Look no further than Google, who tucked a new snow-themed secret into its search engine this holiday season.
Type "Let it snow" into Google, and the search engine will reward you with some lovely flurries. Digital snow flakes flutter into view, while pixelated frost sneaks in from the top and bottom of the screen. Pretty soon, the effect fogs up the entire window, allowing you to draw messages in the virtual frost. You won't be able to click on any of the search results, but don't worry. The normal search icon turns into a "Defrost" button. One click will wipe away this icy veneer.
"Let it snow" stands as Google's latest Easter egg, a term for little secrets hidden in movies, video games, or websites. The search giant has sprinkled dozens of these little treats into its various pages. So, don't go back to work just yet!
Last month, searchers discovered "Do a barrel roll." Typing those four words into Google flips the entire browser. (Have you heard about Nintendo's role in bringing you "Do a barrel roll"?)
There are plenty of other hidden gags. Have you tried searching for "askew"? What about typing in "number of horns on a unicorn + the loneliest number"? Or have you attempted to make Google talk like Elmer Fudd?
And, of course, Google has some more overt surprises, such as its regular Google doodles. The company has rolled out winter doodles several years in a row, so expect a new batch this holiday season.
If "let it snow" isn't working, check your browser. The trick will not work in Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8, nor in older versions of Firefox or Safari. Several of Google's recent Easter eggs use HTML 5, code that only runs in up-to-date Web browsers. So, what better time to do something boring – like update software – than to take a moment right now in order to do something fun – like enjoying all these Google Easter eggs.
Go ahead: Let it snow!

真的很愛在網頁裡面耍花招的 Google,這次適逢年底聖誕假期,又推出了一個新花招,只要在 Google 搜尋輸入「let it snow(讓它下雪吧!)」,就可以看見整個搜尋畫面都會飄起翩翩白雪,還可以用滑鼠擦掉,有沒有這麼浪漫啊!

Google 這次推出的「let it snow」網頁密技,因透過 HTML 5 技術打造,所以只要有支援 HTML 5 的瀏覽器都能使用;開啟密技的方式很簡單,只要在 Google 搜尋欄裡輸入指定句「let it snow」就會出現片片雪花,緩慢地從視窗的上方飄下來,如果覺得雪花太多遮蔽了視線,拿起滑鼠吧!長按滑鼠左鍵,並在網頁上做出擦拭動作,就能將「起霧」的視窗擦乾淨!要取消狀態時,僅需點下一旁的「Defrost」就能回到正常視窗模樣。



另外,每年大家都會努力跟聖誕老公公取得聯繫的這個傳統,今年也在 Gmail 裡面被實現啦!Google 結合 Gmail 裡的 Google Voice 服務,讓使用者可以直接打電話給聖誕老人,只不過聖誕老人真的非常非常忙碌,想當然是無法接聽,只能由使用者將自己的需求留言給聖誕老人,請他幫幫忙囉!(Google 提供的直接連結,點這個就能在 Gmail 裡開起撥打給聖誕老公公的電話視窗!)

另外一個更有趣的是 Gmail 提供的自製聖誕老人留言活動,只要你輸入自己的名字,以及對方的名稱、跟你之間的關係、想要的東西,喜歡的風格等一大堆內容,就能將這組由聖誕老人為你念出來的祝賀語音留言,寄給對方,當作一個驚喜!活動網頁「Send A Personalize Call From Santa」(英文)

